Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific (RRC.AP)

Sustainable Development - RRC.AP 35 Years
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RRC.AP facilitates resources and enhances capacities in the region for the development of science-based policies and actions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Vision and Objectives

RRC.AP assists countries to advance their environment and sustainable development goals through the provision of capacity-building knowledge sharing, policy guidance, advisory services, and research in three thematic areas: Air and Atmosphere, Climate Change, and Waste and Resource Management.


Capacity Building

  • Comprehensive Training Programmes
  • Mentoring and Post-Training Follow-up

Knowledge sharing

  • Development of Knowledge Products
  • Dialogue (seminars, symposiums, consultations, conferences, and webinars)

Policy Advice

  • Research and prepare state of environmental policy briefs and reports, and develop recommendations for formulation and implementation
  • Facilitate Intergovernmental and cross-sector dialogue


  • Research and assessment to understand and address environmental problems and issues in the region
  • Publish scientific reports, impact assessment studies, and articles in International Journals


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RRC.AP bridges the gap between the scientific understanding of sustainable development processes and sound policies at national and regional levels.

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