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Technology Needs Assessment Project – IV and V

20 Feb 2023
AIT webmaster

Project Budget – 2.2 million THB

Project Location – Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Georgia, Armenia, Malaysia, Philippines, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Laos, Myanmar, and Afghanistan (with close collaboration with Fiji, Vanuata, and Nauru)

Donor – Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN)

Project Duration – January 2021 – August 2022

Description – The TNA Project supports developing countries in identifying national priorities for both adaptation and mitigation, with a strong focus on technology. The objective of the TNA project spread across three phases is to assist participant-developing country Parties to identify and analyze priority technology needs, which can form the basis for a portfolio of environmentally sound technology (EST) projects and programs to facilitate the transfer of, and access to, the ESTs and know-how in the implementation of Article 4.5 of the UNFCCC Convention. Hence TNAs are central to the work of Parties to the Convention on technology transfer and present an opportunity to track an evolving need for new equipment, techniques, practical knowledge, and skills, which are necessary to mitigate GHG emissions and/or reduce the vulnerability of sectors and livelihoods to the adverse impacts of climate change.