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Professional Training and Exposure Visit on “Climate Smart and Sustainable Agriculture Using Cutting-Edge Technology and IoT” 

04 Mar 2024

Agriculture has been the backbone of human civilization for thousands of years. As the world population continues to grow, from the current 7.6 billion to 8.6 billion in 2030 and 9.8 billion in 2050, the demand for food and natural resources is rapidly increasing. This demand poses significant challenges to the agriculture sector, which must produce more food with limited resources, while also addressing the challenges of climate change and environmental sustainability. In response, there has been a growing movement towards smarter, more sustainable, and self-sufficient agricultural practices, utilizing new technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems (RSGIS), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), etc., to improve yields and reduce waste. This professional training program will orient agriculturalists, government officials, policymakers, and development partners on viable and efficient strategies for sustainable agriculture through smart and precision farming practices, along with the application of cutting-edge technologies and IoT. The participants, with a responsibility or interest in the intersection of ICT, digital transformation, and agriculture across the globe, will have ample opportunities to listen and interact with experts from the technology field as well as experts who are applying those technologies in the agricultural sector. Lessons learned from demonstrations/field practices and real-world application of technologies will be a vital part of this training program. The program will be held in Thailand and coordinated by AIT Extension of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).

Date: 4 – 9 March 2024
Venue: Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

For more information about the program and registration please visit 