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ROVER Kick Off Meeting in Brussels

15 Jan 2020
Sanjeet Amatya

The Kick-off meeting of the “ROVER,” a EU Horizon2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) project took place in Brussels, Belgium on January 15, 2020. The venue was East and North Finland EU Office, 24 Avenue Palmerston, Brussels.

Associate Prof. Attaphongse Taparussanagorn or Ajarn Pong as called by his students and colleagues attended the meeting to present his research approach and expertise to participating organisations. He was also invited on the same day to the ROVER supervisory board representing AIT.

The project focuses on reliable cutting-edge technologies and models for verified wireless body-centric transmission and localization. He and his students will have an opportunity to work on this challenging research and visit the European partners as a secondment.

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